Tag Archives: side dish

Last Minute Thanksgiving Side: Roasted Orange Glazed Brussels Sprouts and Sunchokes

So what have you all been up to on this final sprint to Thanksgiving? Scoping out boxed whole vegan turkeys? (it comes in a box.) Perhaps you’ve been digging up those repressed memories of family dinners past just for funzies? Well, if you’re busy doing either or both of these things (they are time consuming!), […]

Twice Baked Baby Potatoes (and a lesson in making excuses)

Let me start out first by saying “you’re welcome.” I was in a bad mood when I made these and wrote this long diatribe of a post ready that made almost no sense whatsoever. Then I scrapped it. To spare you. Because I love you. Also because it was nonsensical diatribe. So, obvious next step […]

Carrot Ginger Dressing

In any other setting, a haphazard bowl full of translucent iceberg lettuce and a few tomato slices of questionable origin (grown under someone’s bed, right? In a shoe?) would be cause for concern. But at a Japanese restaurant, it might as well warrant a ticker tape parade. Because everyone knows what limp lettuce really means. […]

Bok Choy and Peanut Sauce

I’m a big fan of putting peanut butter anywhere and everywhere. I eat it straight from the jar, on crackers, over ice cream, off of a person’s body. Like if they spill it or something. On their face. (Can you spill peanut butter?) Oh and in sauces. That’s where this was going before I let […]

Kale Saag Tofu

“Hey Molly, what’s that you’re making?” asks my teeny tiny roommate one recent evening. “Saag Paneer. Except there’s no paneer. But there is tofu. And it’s not spinach. But it is kale…” I answer ironically because I sometimes confuse the words “ironic” and “idiotic.” “Sooo…” she says, still teeny tiny. We stare at each other. […]

Valentine’s Day Peanut Butter Spinach Cakes Two Ways

It’s been way too long since I’ve put peanut butter where it doesn’t belong. And I’m not counting all those times I’ve slathered it on my face in a masque like fashion. Peanut butter definitely belongs there. It’s been even longer since I last outlined my heart shaped food with a sriracha. What the hell […]

Mediterranean Portobello Pizzas

I don’t like pizza. When my friends ask me why, after they’ve gotten over the initial shock of it all (I live in New York where apparently this is not okay?), I explain it this way: one time I broke it down and realized pizza is nothing more than white bread doused in pasta sauce […]

Mama Molly’s Cranberry Pomegranate Relish

There was a long time when I thought Mama Stamberg was one of my family members. It didn’t help that the only time I’d come across her Cranberry Relish recipe was when it appeared in a handmade cookbook made for me, typed out on Word and haphazardly cut out and glued to a page. I […]

Tofu and Mung Bean Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Stuffing

When you’re that person who doesn’t eat bread, thinking about Thanksgiving dinner can start to give you hot flashes/heart palpitations/cold sweats/the shakes/the spins/the other things you don’t like feeling. It’s simple really. There is but one culprit. Stuffing. jump to recipe Stuffing is so good, guys. That carb-y, protein-less, sponge for grease and meaningless grams […]

Creamed Kale [vegan]

Have you started your Thanksgiving Advent calendar yet? What’s that? That’s not how Advent calendars work? Well if Thanksgiving Advent calendars don’t exist, how did I open a window to a spoonful of Vegan Creamed Kale the other day, huh? I’m Jewish. Let me have this one. Please. click to jump to recipe Vegan Creamed […]



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