Monthly Archives: September 2012

Kale Nachos

How come things only start making you fat when you learn just how bad they are for you? Case in point: Nachos. Remember when you were any age other than the one you are right now and you used to eat nachos like it was your job? You were a professional nacho eater and you […]

Sweet Baked Falafel

This Sweet Baked Falafel* is a blessing, a godsend, a savior. And it’s going directly in my mouth while I slowly go deaf. Sitting in my apartment, I am surrounded by the sounds of banging hammers, drills, posts being removed from things and then being put back into things, yelling in various languages, things falling […]

Chocolate Chip and Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies – Certified(!) Gluten-Free and Vegan

Here’s the thing. Much like Passover nights being different from all other nights, this cookie recipe is different from my other cookie recipes. I don’t know how to put it gently, but here goes nothing… I used a high-carb dried fruit. And real sugar. And vegan butter. You know what? That really didn’t feel as […]

Jerk Seitan and/or Tofu over Caribbean Rice and Beans

Guys are jerks, amiright? I am right. Seitan and tofu are wonderful vehicles for jerk seasoning, amiright? Well let’s find out. Join me as I compare these jerks to see how they size up. Guys who are jerks leave a bad taste in your mouth (don’t be gross, I’m talking metaphorically…I think). Jerk Tofu seasoning leaves […]

Chocolate Raspberry Mousse Vegan Brownies

First things first: Happy New Year! L’Shana Tova and all that jazz! Peace out, 5772. 5773 is going to be, like, the best year ever. So let’s start with something sweet…Chocolate Raspberry Mousse Vegan Brownies anyone? No? Just me? Just me and a batch of brownies? I’m okay with this. I went to my new […]

Raw Vegan Portobello and Beet Tartare

Yup. I turned one snide comment into one snide dish. And then I turned it into the cutest/my favorite thing I’ve ever made. To the lady who didn’t like my vegan lasagna recipe because I called the vegan ricotta “vegan ricotta” instead of “pine nut paste” (although that does have a ring to it. Cough.) […]

“Steak” and “Cheesy” Mashed “Potatoes” and “Air Quotes”

My index and middle fingers hurt from air quoting so hard. But like I always say, “no pain, no sassy eye brow raising smirk giving are-you-in-on-this-joke gain.” Now my lungs hurt from always saying that. Look what you’ve done! Ok. Let’s call this what it really is: Roasted Portobello Mushroom Caps and Vegan Cheesy Cauliflower […]

Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches

Ok. So this may not really deserve its own post because I hinted at it during that whole Steve’s BKLYN Blackout Ice Cream Review the other day. And I’m using my Soft and Chewy Vegan Chocolate Chip Graham Cracker Cookies from the other other day too because, thanks to the baking powder and applesauce, they’re […]

Local Goods: Steve’s Bklyn Blackout Ice Cream Review

So I’m going to try a new feature on here. Some good old fashioned local food reviews. This could also be called “Hey What’s That In My Bodega?” Or, “Is That A ‘Local’ Sign I See, Whole Foods Shelf?” Easily apparent to anyone who’s entered a Greenmarket or Whole Foods or Union Market or a […]

Soft and Chewy Vegan Chocolate Chip Graham Cracker Cookies

I like graham crackers. They remind me of recess. And climbing trees. And the day I decided to take a 20-year hiatus from wearing dresses because you can’t wear dressed if you want to swing on the swings, dumb butt. Also, brush your damn hair, 5 year old me. SPOILER ALERT: I wear dresses now. […]



Brooklyn Porridge Co.

comfort food redefined

Rantings of an Amateur Chef - What works, and what doesn't!


Where the belly rules the mind!

Cupcake Artist

One bite is never good enough

Vegan Shop-Up

an all vegan pop-up market

Whisk Flip Stir

healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes

Sun In Bloom

Gluten-Free, Vegan & Raw Food Kitchen in Brooklyn & Tribeca

Robert's Kitchen

Vegetarian's Delight

DAG's Food Blog

My cooking adventures

I Dream of Protein

Hearty, Healthy Recipes from a Fitness Fanatic