
This is me drinking liquor at 1pm for the sake of ART.

This is me drinking liquor at 1pm for the sake of ART.

Hi! I’m Molly! I live in Brooklyn, NY and I think you’re pretty cute. Welcome to my world of vegetarian and vegan recipes. Stay awhile, will you? You will. I locked the internet doors. From the outside.

This little blog of mine is devoted to my recipes/ramblings/sarcasm commonly associated with a high-protein, low-carb vegetarian lifestyle. I really want more people – vegans and vegetarians especially – to know the goodness of eating well. But I’m not going to pretend to be one of those preachy vegetarians or vegans – I don’t eat meat because I think it tastes gross. I eat vegetables because I think, you know, they taste better. But I do know that the no-meat thing can be a slippery slope to the omg-is-that-a-cookie-and/or-an-entire-loaf-of-bread-I-can-call-a-meal thing for a lot of vegetarians. And that totally sucks. Vegetarians can be strong, fit, healthy, and happy without the old carb crutch. But you know like, using some baguettes as crutches would be pretty fun maybe.

All that nonsense being said, food fascinates me. I’m that weirdo on the subway reading that weirdo book about some weirdo history of food. But I am not that weirdo who forgot to put pants on. Oh the subway. (I’m so New York, right? I knooooowwww.)

Now let me share with you some pictures of me eating, drinking and wearing things. Because these are important things that you should see. And also because ME ME ME ME ME. On with the show!


  1. Hey! Thanks for the follow on my blog-I was looking at yours and I like. Fellow vegetarian who needs protein:)
    I’m adding it to my bookmarks(method of “following”)

  2. Cute doggy!!! Mad love for weird healthy cookies (have you ever heard of the brand Ovenly in NYC? Literally most amazing gluten-free peanut butter cookies in existence, I swear)

    1. Haven’t tried Ovenly but I did just read about it a couple days ago – sounds amazing! Have you had a peanut butter cookie from Forty Carrots inside Bloomingdales? Not at all healthy, I imagine, but they are at least small! Oh and shockingly good.

  3. Good to know! I am truly a sucker for a good PB cookie!!

  4. You are the only other person I’ve ever encountered who is a vegetarian because she doesn’t like the taste of meat. I KNEW there must be others out there!!! 🙂

  5. I’m loving everything you’re about. I agree, I used to call myself a carb-itarian but I’m transitioning to a plant based, whole food diet and I’m never looking back! Can’t wait to see what you whip up next.

  6. umm, everything about this resonates with me. A love of red hair, veggies, kinda dumb puppies, weird food and peanut butter… Can we be bffs?

    1. Well I can’t see why not?

  7. Just stumbled across your site…I love meat, but you are one funny writer. So I’ll follow you for that – not in a creepy follow sort of way. Plus my wife is allergic to dairy and eggs so I’m constantly looking for vegan recipes for her. Might as well research and laugh at the same time.

    1. Thanks for the follow and niceness! But for real, if you want to lurk in the shadows of my apartment I’ll turn off some lights, switch on a single lamp, and get really, really scared.
      Kind of scared.

  8. kimberly · · Reply

    I love your peanut butter attitude! Just discovered your site. I’m not vegan nor vegetarian, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love my veggies =)

    1. Thanks! I’m definitely just a vegetarian and no vegan but it really is fun cooking and baking vegan. So much more room for creativity! And peanut butter!

  9. Your recipes and writing make me so happy! Thanks for being 🙂

    1. Dawwwwww. Sorry it took me a year to reply with that. But still!

  10. So happy to have found your blog. Love it!

  11. Found you through pinterest and so glad I did! As a fellow veggie blogger and peanut butter addict, I see tons of recipes I can’t wait to try.. and can’t wait to read more of your hillarious writings and ramblings!

  12. Totally fell down the carb hole as a vegetarian. I returned to the world of meat while living in Asia and immediately lost 15 lbs. Would love to return to a meat-free lifestyle (or at least meat-lite), but definitely need to bulk up (no pun intended, okay pun intended) on the protein-rich, low-carb recipes you’re rocking here.

    Also, I think peanut butter belongs in everything.

  13. Lorraine Sherman · · Reply

    Until recently I was an “elderly lady”; now I’m an “old woman” – but one who still loves to laugh; and your blog made me do it … big time (as the younger generation says). Somehow I ran into your PURPLE CABBAGE SOUP and was taken with both the recipe and your style; so I decided to do something I’ve never done before, i.e. bookmark your blog and look in on you now and then.
    All the best to you!
    P.s. Not only do I eat meat, I like it (even if I thoroughly dislike what has to be done in order to have it; hardly coherent; but there you are.)
    Pps. I HATE to “work out” and find it all I can do to get in a few minutes (maybe ten) of exercise a few times a week. But I live in a city where walking can be a joy so I do a fair amount of that.

  14. Thanks for the laugh! I am probably very unlikely to make any of the recipes you post, not cos they don’t look yummy (they do!) but because I have a tendency not to get around to doing things I intend to!

    I have got around to ‘following’ you here, though, which means your fabulous writing will keep me entertained when I am busy procrastinating on the internet. You didn’t even *need* to lock the doors!

  15. Just came across your site because I was looking at vegetarian recipes. I’ve recently decided to give vegetarianism a try because I got super grossed out by the gruesome way they kill and prepare animals as depicted in the documentary Food Inc. Anyway, I think your blog is amazing and I can’t wait to give some of your recipes a try, they look absolutely delish!

  16. well…I was enjoying reading a bit ( recipes)…and then ran across your article about easter baskets…so…since you invite comments, I’ll leave one. free speech and all that for you..but— then couldn’t take you so seriously as a mature or grown up resource if you have to say ” whatever the FUCK you put into easter baskets “. seems silly, of you want to be respected.

  17. then just saw your ” MOTHERFUCKING BLOG” TITLE.

    I’m no prude but it sure seems just silly here. good luck when a future employer sees this.

  18. Living the 5:2 life but I’m not vegetarian.
    I typed kale & tofu into my phone and now the family (teenagers!) are all salivating around the wok as we wait for our kale saag tofu to be ready. Thank you!

    1. Hope you love it! How long have you been doing the 5:2 thing? What days are your 2 fasting days? I’m not sure I could keep that up!

  19. Just started following you and already learned something. 5:2 is a thing, eh? Cool. Looking forward to learning more!

  20. Barry giodman · · Reply

    I’m a new cook with a lot to
    Learn, and my cousin – your
    Mother – turned me on to your
    Blog. I love it! Barry

  21. Hi Molly,

    My name is Jennifer and I’ve been following your blog for several weeks now. I would like to commend you on the quality of your material and the success you’ve found in your community.

    I work for Azumio, a mobile health company with numerous applications and millions of users, dedicated to connecting the public through the first social health network and database. I am contacting you on behalf of Azumio because of your expertise and passion about nutrition and fitness, which are prime categories of interest for our users. We would like to offer you an opportunity to be a guest blogger for Azumio’s website. This is a chance for you to not only expand your personal community rapidly but to make a real difference in the world of health.

    If you are interested, please e-mail me at jennifer.ta@azumio.com and I will send you information as to what the job entails as well as information on the benefits of an Azumio partnership.

    Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    Jennifer Ta

  22. Hi Molly,

    I just wanted to follow-up on the last comment I left and again reiterate our interest in having you become a guest blogger for our blog as your expertise and passion about nutrition would be a prime category of interest for our users. This is a chance for you to not only expand your personal community rapidly but to make a real difference in the world of health.

    I hope you will give me a chance to elaborate on the benefits that will come with an Azumio partnership. If you are interested, please e-mail me and I will send all the necessary information.

    Thank you and I really hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,


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