Monthly Archives: June 2013

Black and White PB + J Ice Cream Reese’s Cups

Have you ever bitten into something not expecting it to be filled with ice cream but that’s exactly what it is? And it’s especially surprising because you made said treat yourself so if anyone should expect a mouthful of ice cream it’d be you? But you didn’t? So is that considered the upper echelons of happiness? […]

Vegan Ricotta Veggie Loaf + Instructional Video

Sometimes I get a little excited when I have an idea that’s just dumb enough to be mine. Jk. I get really excited. Cue stop motion video instructions! Vegan Ricotta Veggie Loaf from Molly Wilkof on Vimeo. A Lasagna Loaf was my initial intention when I dreamed the impossible dream of this glorious thing. But […]

Meatless Monday Meatballs

“Hey guys, look who brought meatballs sans any meat but instead they are bulgar and quinoa and some other things that are also not at all meat so really the name is extremely misleading?” “You did.” “I did!” And that, my friends, is how you make an entrance. It’s also how you make yourself known […]

Cherry Poppers and Zulka Morena Pure Cane Sugar Giveaway

There are a few classic lines from movies that I just can’t get enough of. “This screen’s getting all blue-y on me.” “How long have you been a robber?” “Four foot one, sir!” “Leeloo Dallas Multipass!” “Now I’ve popped both your cherries.” skip to the recipe skip to the Zulka Morena Pure Cane Sugar Giveaway […]

Dates in a Blanket & Dessert Dates in a Snuggie – a vegan finger food bonanza

You know when you’re cooking with dates and you want to make a pun so bad about relationships and the trials and tribulations of being the crazy one shouldn’t stick their dick in because it just seems like a soul shattering, guffaw inducing pun should be right there, on the tip of your tongue, the tip of […]

Banana Bread French Toast [vegan] [serious]

Some of my favorite things are French. French fries. French kissing. Pretentious dispositions. French toast. But so many of those things are terrible for you. French fries make you fat. French kissing makes you pregnant. Pretentiousness makes you better than your friends and that really sucks for them but they just don’t “get it” like […]

Local Goods: Beyond Sushi – Union Square, NYC

If you’re looking for the crib notes version of this post, the cheat sheet, the drool report, the wet dream in your mouth short-cut (too far? not far enough?), here it is: go eat at Beyond Sushi and do it now. Do it right now. I put this off for a year because apparently I […]

Chocolate Chip Mocha Muffins [vegan] [gluten-free] [tasty]

I’m sure I could come up with some silly story for this recipe but I’m not going to waste your time with some bullshit about an enlightening conversation I had with some adorable woodland creature regarding spelt flour or something. (“Enlightening” is a bit of a stretch but when was the last time you told […]



Brooklyn Porridge Co.

comfort food redefined

Rantings of an Amateur Chef - What works, and what doesn't!


Where the belly rules the mind!

Cupcake Artist

One bite is never good enough

Vegan Shop-Up

an all vegan pop-up market

Whisk Flip Stir

healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes

Sun In Bloom

Gluten-Free, Vegan & Raw Food Kitchen in Brooklyn & Tribeca

Robert's Kitchen

Vegetarian's Delight

DAG's Food Blog

My cooking adventures

I Dream of Protein

Hearty, Healthy Recipes from a Fitness Fanatic