Monthly Archives: July 2012

Cauliflower Crust Pizzas

When you google “Cauliflower Crust Pizza” you get a whole lot of results and absolutely no naked pictures. What does this mean? Cauliflower Crust Pizza is America’s Sweetheart and it hasn’t decided to move to LA to become a movie star yet and have to do things it regrets to catch a break and pay […]

Occasion(al) Cookies

What’s an Occasion(al) Cookie, you ask? First off, thanks for raising your hand. So polite. An Occasion(al) Cookie is for those times in your life when you need a distraction or two dozen. It’s when you want your apartment to smell like happiness and butter and sugar. And maybe a hug. Hugs have smells. An […]


When do we have to stop calling this weather a “heat wave” and accept that July is a real thing that has to happen once a year, every year, until you’re lucky enough to die during winter? This is no heat wave. This is Kathy Bates in Misery. But instead of tying Summer up to […]

Quiche of the Week: Cheddar, Sweet Potato, Broccoli, Spinach, and BBQ Seitan

Have you ever thought about what America would taste like if you cut it up into 6 equal slices? Everyday? You think about that everyday? Are we sharing a brain? Let’s meet and love each other forever. But before we do all that (stay patient, my sweet dove), let’s actually get around to defining what […]

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut and Black Raspberry Two-Bite Muffins

You know what they say… The best coconut flour recipes are paved with good intentions. I intended for these to be cookies. My coconut flour had a different idea. After a grueling round table discussion in which both parties were reluctant to budge (have you ever tried to have a conversation with coconut flour? Let […]

Vegan Cream of Fancy Mushroom Soup

I get a lot done on the Broadway Local R train from Manhattan to Brooklyn. I fix my bangs in my reflection in the window. (They look good.) I read a few pages of a book before getting a headache. (Words hurt my eyeballs.) I stare at people. (…) And while I’m pretty sure the […]



Brooklyn Porridge Co.

comfort food redefined

Rantings of an Amateur Chef - What works, and what doesn't!


Where the belly rules the mind!

Cupcake Artist

One bite is never good enough

Vegan Shop-Up

an all vegan pop-up market

Whisk Flip Stir

healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes

Sun In Bloom

Gluten-Free, Vegan & Raw Food Kitchen in Brooklyn & Tribeca

Robert's Kitchen

Vegetarian's Delight

DAG's Food Blog

My cooking adventures

I Dream of Protein

Hearty, Healthy Recipes from a Fitness Fanatic