Sriracha Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Sriracha Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Disliking chocolate ice cream is on the same level as war crimes…or so it seems. Up until 2 weeks ago, I was a chocolate ice cream dissenter/truly twisted human being. It always seemed so one-note to me, you know?

No. Of course you don’t know. You like chocolate ice cream. Because you are people.

The turning point for me and chocolate ice cream happened in the last days of 2013 in Mexico. So pretty typical really.

Sriracha Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

On the last Sunday evening of the year and in desperate need of more tequila, myself and a couple others made the trek to the grocery store. Little did we know you can’t buy liquor on God’s day past 2pm but you can buy multiple pints of ice cream. Apparently God is not an equal opportunity pint-est. And when you’re out of tequila and you need tequila and you can’t get tequila, you’re probably going to want to plant yourself on a couch with ice cream and a spoon. I SEE WHAT YOU’RE DOING, MEXICO.

So it was in Mexico that I tried a couple of scoops of chocolate ice cream for the first time in forever. Because I was with people and people like chocolate ice cream (I cannot stress this enough). And it wasn’t bad. And then I ate it with tostadas. And it was better. And then I made tostada chocolate ice cream sandwiches. And then I found God chocolate ice cream won me over. But the key here, oddly enough, was the addition of tostados. I still think chocolate ice cream on its own is pretty one-note and is dying to be elevated. By weird things. By sriracha.

Yeah. By sriracha.

Sriracha Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

STOP IT YOU GUYS THIS IS REALLY GOOD. Everyone likes to sriracha everything and if you say you don’t you are no one with nothing. These two things are facts. And spicy and chocolate have a history together. What with mole sauces  and artisanal chocolate bars with charming packaging, spicy chocolate ice cream shouldn’t be too far of a stretch. Plus coconut milk is my favorite vegan ice cream base and it works great here as per usual.

Try it out. I like to top mine with peanut butter and flaxseed because I have no soul and I like to party.

JK. I hate to party.

Sriracha Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

makes 4 pretty big servings


  • 13.5oz light coconut milk (you can use full fat but I think the light worked just as well here)
  • 5 tablespoons white sugar
  • 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons (at least!) sriracha
  • an ounce or so of chocolate chips or a chocolate bar (do a spicy one for extra credit!), broken up

I like the ice creams

Prep your ice cream machine thinger however it likes you to prep it.

In a large bowl, combine the coconut milk, white sugar, and cocoa powder. Add the sriracha a little at a time until you reach your desired spiciness. Make sure everything is good and mixed well and toss in the chopped chocolate chips.

Transfer the mixture into your ice cream machine. Churn for 15-20 minutes or until it’s at a soft serve consistency. Either eat it as is or freeze it for a few hours for a more classic ice cream consistency.

NUTRITION (based on 4 large servings, no extra toppings): 183 calories  // 27g carbs // 9g fat // 2g protein // 2g fiber // 22g sugar

Sriracha Double Chocolate Chip Ice Cream


  1. Richard Wilkof · · Reply

    Hmm, sounds interesting. What kind of ice cream maker do you use? Stupid question alert: when you combine the ingredients in the large bowl, do you use a mixer? That is, are you using your Kitchen Aid?

    Grammar police alert: In the first sentence fourth paragraph, say “a couple of friends and I made the trek to the grocery store.” Don’t say “myself and a couple friends” unless you want to sound like a professional athlete who was daydreaming during all his/her English classes. You wouldn’t say “Myself made the trek to the grocery store,” would you? If you would, or if I’ve stumbled on one of those instances of hip vernacular (like cray”), ignore this comment.

    Richard Wilkof

    1. I preferred it when you emailed me about my assaults on grammar…

      also, I use an ice cream attachment for my kitchenaid. and I hand mix the other stuff. Nothing is chunky.

  2. Yeah, I kind of used to hate chocolate too. Shocker, right? It was just soo bland. And then I discovered dark chocolate. And it was better. And then I discovered non-Dutch processed chocolate. Why did the Dutch ruin chocolate? This stuff is better without them. And when you throw in cayenne or sri racha, you reallly can’t go wrong. I’m totally on board with this recipe, and I will have spicy chocolate icecream next time. (Because, you know, there’s only so much chocolate you can eat in a week!)

  3. Can you take the lazy man route and mix sriracha to Trader Joe’s Chocolate Coconut ice cream?

    1. You mean, just top chocolate ice cream with Sriracha? I’m not going to stop you, I guess.

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