Tag Archives: vegetarian

Nutty Breakfast Bites

Sometimes I make something that tastes really good and when I sit down to write about it I just draw a blank. Usually when that happens, I might go off on some tangent about how drawing a blank is not a thing one can actually do and then I’d probably find a way to work in a sexual […]

Not-Entirely Paella with Cauliflower Rice

I’m just mad about saffron, saffron’s mad about this bitch he used to date in college who totally broke his heart and the holidays are especially hard for him because she hooked up with smoked paprika senior year and they had a kid and so they’re trying to make it work and now it’s like, how […]


If you ogle food photos on the regular like everyone ever, you’ve probably come across Shakshuka. After initial thoughts of “HEY WHAT A FUN WORD” subside, you have a choice: Make the Shakshuka that basically just undressed you with its eyes, or button up and move along to more food porn. Being a BWOACIS (Bitch […]

Real Freekehn’ Good Veggie Burgers

Oh the puns we’ll have! See what I did there? Meta. Anyways…veggie burgers! I stumbled upon the Minimalist Baker’s Black Bean Beet Burgers and was immediately smitten with it. Her use of grains and black beans makes for a really good lookin’ veggie burger. So like any 20something female, I Pinned the fuck out of that recipe and […]

Double Chocolate Banana Bread Protein Bars

There are few things I love more than making banana bread that isn’t quite banana bread. So much so that when I came home from work on Saturday night, instead of curling up in fetal position and crying because I just spent all Saturday at work with the foreboding knowledge I’d be spending all Sunday at work […]


I’m having a really hard time refraining from making all of the puns right now. Ok, mainly just that I’m puttanesca on the ritz. Now that’s out of the way, we can focus on the things that really matter. What’s easy, fun to say, and ever so versatile? No, not some slut named Bambi or something who […]

Brownie Ice Cream Brownie Cake. (Brownie.)

If you were to look at a timeline of my actions yesterday, you’d probably ask me if I was trippin’. Maybe even straight trippin, I don’t know. Then you’d ask me three more times and then I’d start worrying you were having a stroke and start casually looking for telltale signs. What I’m saying is, […]

Spicy Basil Eggplant and Seitan with Zucchini Noodles

If I had to choose a favorite herb that could double as a sassy name for a terrier, it would definitely be basil. Add it to eggplant and onions and peppers and seitan and a spicy sauce atop a bed of zucchini noodles and you’re gonna have a good time. Or a really weird terrier. Delicious, but weird. Aromatic, […]

Red, White & Blue No-Bake Tart and Other Heartbreak Home Remedies

Everyone seems to have their own home remedy for recovering from a broken heart. It’s like getting gum out of your hair or relieving a case of the hiccups. Don’t talk about him for a whole week. Go to the gym. Rebound. Write a way too personal blog post about it and somehow tie it […]

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chunk Bars

I had a really real moment with a girl behind the counter at Magnolia Cupcakes in Grand Central the other day. “Can I have a chocolate chip cookie?” “Yes.” (smile, no movement, dead eyes. classic.) “the cookie…” I point at it. I think we might be playing chicken, not sure. I’ve never been very good […]



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Cupcake Artist

One bite is never good enough

Vegan Shop-Up

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Whisk Flip Stir

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Vegetarian's Delight

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I Dream of Protein

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