Tag Archives: dessert

Nutty Breakfast Bites

Sometimes I make something that tastes really good and when I sit down to write about it I just draw a blank. Usually when that happens, I might go off on some tangent about how drawing a blank is not a thing one can actually do and then I’d probably find a way to work in a sexual […]

Oatmeal Gingerbread Cookies

I like my cookies like a like my men: a little spicy, brunette, chock full of maple syrup undertones, well-established, successful, intelligent, hilarious, and unopposed to oatmeal. If my cookie doesn’t have a PhD, I’m all like, “WHERE’S YOUR PHD, COOKIE? HUH? THE FUCK.” And then I eat the cookie. To prove a point/eat a […]

Double Chocolate Banana Bread Protein Bars

There are few things I love more than making banana bread that isn’t quite banana bread. So much so that when I came home from work on Saturday night, instead of curling up in fetal position and crying because I just spent all Saturday at work with the foreboding knowledge I’d be spending all Sunday at work […]

Brownie Ice Cream Brownie Cake. (Brownie.)

If you were to look at a timeline of my actions yesterday, you’d probably ask me if I was trippin’. Maybe even straight trippin, I don’t know. Then you’d ask me three more times and then I’d start worrying you were having a stroke and start casually looking for telltale signs. What I’m saying is, […]

Red, White & Blue No-Bake Tart and Other Heartbreak Home Remedies

Everyone seems to have their own home remedy for recovering from a broken heart. It’s like getting gum out of your hair or relieving a case of the hiccups. Don’t talk about him for a whole week. Go to the gym. Rebound. Write a way too personal blog post about it and somehow tie it […]

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chunk Bars

I had a really real moment with a girl behind the counter at Magnolia Cupcakes in Grand Central the other day. “Can I have a chocolate chip cookie?” “Yes.” (smile, no movement, dead eyes. classic.) “the cookie…” I point at it. I think we might be playing chicken, not sure. I’ve never been very good […]

Sweet Noodle-less Kugel

Some might call me an enigma. But “enigma” has always made me think “enema” and then I have to google enema to make sure I’m not actually thinking of  the movie Enemy of the State. Basically, I’ll think it’s an insult. So I prefer being called a puzzle. A mystery inside a cop drama inside of a Rubik’s […]

Banana Bread Stuffed Baked Apples

Any time you stuff a something into another thing, you’re going to have a pretty good time. This has been proven time, and time, and time again. Also, Puppy Surprise. It’s a weird thing we, the American people, have with things inside of things making both A and B things better as a C thing. It’s like we cannot […]

Samoa Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream. (That deserves a period.)

Spoiler Alert: I’ve never purchased a box of Girl Scout cookies. I am strictly a “these will fall into my lap and then be repositioned to fall into my mouth” Girl Scout cookie eater.  The fact is, I don’t really like them all that much. Plus, I hate “doing things for the community” and “supporting […]

Maple Crunch Protein and Fiber Bars

There are few things as satisfying as making some snack bars. I mean, except for like a really, really good nap. And don’t get me started on perfectly poached eggs. Or shopping when you’re sad or hot showers when you’re cold or remembering to bring an umbrella when you need an umbrella or my dog’s […]



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Cupcake Artist

One bite is never good enough

Vegan Shop-Up

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Whisk Flip Stir

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Sun In Bloom

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I Dream of Protein

Hearty, Healthy Recipes from a Fitness Fanatic