Tag Archives: kale

Baked Eggs and Wannabe Eggs in Lentils

Spoiler Alert: I am not a vegan. Never have been. I like yogurt a lot. Too much. This blog took a turn for the vegan sometime over the last year or so. The only reasoning I can think of is pretty simple: every time I’d buy eggs, I’d forget I bought eggs. Every wedge of cheese […]

Winter Revival Veggie Chili

PRAISE! What? That’s not the revival we’re talking about here? Then what the fuck am I doing with this giant event tent and my roving naivety? This always happens to me! [skip the parts where I talk about why vegetables and beans are good for you] No, no. This vegetarian chili is not that kind […]

The Super Bowl of Super Foods (and some super super foods explanations)

Do you…do you see what I did there? Because of The Sports? My knowledge of football started at the title of this post and ended somewhere around that last sentence. So, needless to say (why do we always continue to say after we’ve deemed it needless?), I’m everyone’s favorite guest at Super Bowl parties. And […]

Braised Kale Stuffed Sweet Potato Boats

Do you ever get a word stuck in your head? I do. A lot. And I’m not talking about some chorus from a song or a jingle or a saying or the constant nagging from your various family members that has just become a soft, unintelligible constant hum every time you think of anything and […]

Citizen Chef Chipotle Adobo Tofu and Pickled Slaw Salad

Free things are the best things. Free drinks are my favorite drinks that are definitely not laced with date rape drugs. Free-for-alls are my favorite emotional and physical states. And free food has always, forever been my favorite food. I’ve even gone to great lengths for it: I’ve shown up to work for it, I’ve […]

Vegan Ricotta Veggie Loaf + Instructional Video

Sometimes I get a little excited when I have an idea that’s just dumb enough to be mine. Jk. I get really excited. Cue stop motion video instructions! Vegan Ricotta Veggie Loaf from Molly Wilkof on Vimeo. A Lasagna Loaf was my initial intention when I dreamed the impossible dream of this glorious thing. But […]

Kale Saag Tofu

“Hey Molly, what’s that you’re making?” asks my teeny tiny roommate one recent evening. “Saag Paneer. Except there’s no paneer. But there is tofu. And it’s not spinach. But it is kale…” I answer ironically because I sometimes confuse the words “ironic” and “idiotic.” “Sooo…” she says, still teeny tiny. We stare at each other. […]

Curry Coconut Tofu Soup

It’s just another one of those days when a can of anything from a shelf somewhere needs to be made into a bowl of something. Hello, Coconut Milk. I’ve seen you around here before. Maybe everyday for the last month. You come here often/never leave. You spend a lot of time with the Sliced Water […]

Creamed Kale [vegan]

Have you started your Thanksgiving Advent calendar yet? What’s that? That’s not how Advent calendars work? Well if Thanksgiving Advent calendars don’t exist, how did I open a window to a spoonful of Vegan Creamed Kale the other day, huh? I’m Jewish. Let me have this one. Please. click to jump to recipe Vegan Creamed […]

Kale Nachos

How come things only start making you fat when you learn just how bad they are for you? Case in point: Nachos. Remember when you were any age other than the one you are right now and you used to eat nachos like it was your job? You were a professional nacho eater and you […]



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