Tag Archives: tomatoes

Not-Entirely Paella with Cauliflower Rice

I’m just mad about saffron, saffron’s mad about this bitch he used to date in college who totally broke his heart and the holidays are especially hard for him because she hooked up with smoked paprika senior year and they had a kid and so they’re trying to make it work and now it’s like, how […]


If you ogle food photos on the regular like everyone ever, you’ve probably come across Shakshuka. After initial thoughts of “HEY WHAT A FUN WORD” subside, you have a choice: Make the Shakshuka that basically just undressed you with its eyes, or button up and move along to more food porn. Being a BWOACIS (Bitch […]

Winter Revival Veggie Chili

PRAISE! What? That’s not the revival we’re talking about here? Then what the fuck am I doing with this giant event tent and my roving naivety? This always happens to me! [skip the parts where I talk about why vegetables and beans are good for you] No, no. This vegetarian chili is not that kind […]

Mushroom and Spinach Tart

A few weeks ago, my dog and I visited one of our best friends in Atlanta, GA. (That’s right, my dog and I have a mutual best friend. And he’s not even a pomeranian or anything because is anyone really friends with pomeranians? They are such lone wolfs.) While we were there, we (my friend […]

Chipotle Fried (and Baked) Green (and Red) Tomatoes

A couple days ago, I was riding down the Ughhhhhh canal of Blehs and Oofs and Frowny Faces. While the scenery is nice, I fucking hate boating. And metaphors. But there are only a few other options in this sort of situation. You can sit around moping because you’re really, really excellent at moping (the […]

Vegan Rainbow Lasagna Veggie Stacks

Jump past story time and stack some stuff instead… While I was busy fighting falling down into an unconscious stupor at work Saturday night (I ate a Grilled Peanut Butter and Jalapeno Sandwich around 2am Saturday morning at my favorite PBJ+J bar so that’s telling), I’m pretty sure I started hallucinating about beets. The part […]

Creamed Kale [vegan]

Have you started your Thanksgiving Advent calendar yet? What’s that? That’s not how Advent calendars work? Well if Thanksgiving Advent calendars don’t exist, how did I open a window to a spoonful of Vegan Creamed Kale the other day, huh? I’m Jewish. Let me have this one. Please. click to jump to recipe Vegan Creamed […]

Vegetarian Moussaka Stacks

You know, just your classic stewed meat and eggplant pie doused in béchamel sauce. But vegetarian.



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