Tag Archives: raisins

Nutty Breakfast Bites

Sometimes I make something that tastes really good and when I sit down to write about it I just draw a blank. Usually when that happens, I might go off on some tangent about how drawing a blank is not a thing one can actually do and then I’d probably find a way to work in a sexual […]

Sweet Noodle-less Kugel

Some might call me an enigma. But “enigma” has always made me think “enema” and then I have to google enema to make sure I’m not actually thinking of  the movie Enemy of the State. Basically, I’ll think it’s an insult. So I prefer being called a puzzle. A mystery inside a cop drama inside of a Rubik’s […]

National Oatmeal Month: Sneaky Pete’s Oatstanding Beverages Giveaway & Homemade Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Dough Ice Cream

Who loves plays on words more than me? No one. Ever. So imagine my joy when I got an email from someone from Sneaky Pete’s, makers of Oatstanding Beverages. But then imagine my further joy when this was part of the email: (I did not already know.) Anyways, in an effort to promote full disclosure […]

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Stuffed Chocolate Chip Muffins

Oh you know, just another one of those walking-through-Whole-Foods-on-Christmas-Eve moments of clarity and awe-inspiring brilliance. Yeah. I was strolling around Whole Foods on Christmas Eve (further known as “Not My Holiday”) when I decided I needed to make some Chocolate Chip Muffins with Oatmeal Raisin Cookies – inside them. move along, nothing to see here, […]

Raw Apple Pie

Hey guys! It’s Fall! Time to break out all your super cute sweaters (your sweaters are so super cute!) and your big old boots (you are so on trend!) and your hayride dreams (you probably got bugs in your pants from that hayride last year and brought them home with you but this year will […]

Sweet Baked Falafel

This Sweet Baked Falafel* is a blessing, a godsend, a savior. And it’s going directly in my mouth while I slowly go deaf. Sitting in my apartment, I am surrounded by the sounds of banging hammers, drills, posts being removed from things and then being put back into things, yelling in various languages, things falling […]



Brooklyn Porridge Co.

comfort food redefined

Rantings of an Amateur Chef

Food...cooking...eating....tools - What works, and what doesn't!


Where the belly rules the mind!

Cupcake Artist

One bite is never good enough

Vegan Shop-Up

an all vegan pop-up market

Whisk Flip Stir

healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes

Sun In Bloom

Gluten-Free, Vegan & Raw Food Kitchen in Brooklyn & Tribeca

Robert's Kitchen

Vegetarian's Delight

DAG's Food Blog

My cooking adventures

I Dream of Protein

Hearty, Healthy Recipes from a Fitness Fanatic