Tag Archives: baked

Not-Entirely Paella with Cauliflower Rice

I’m just mad about saffron, saffron’s mad about this bitch he used to date in college who totally broke his heart and the holidays are especially hard for him because she hooked up with smoked paprika senior year and they had a kid and so they’re trying to make it work and now it’s like, how […]

Baked Jalapeño Poppers

By definition, jalapeño poppers are where the party’s at. You could be all alone at your apartment around 1pm on a Thursday and BOOM suddenly there’s the party. At where you are. Sure, it’s still just you and your dog but I’ll be damned if you two aren’t high fiving and talking about The Sports […]

Vegan Lasagna Bites

When I made Vegan Ricotta and Spinach Lasagna the other day, I made a whole, whole lot of Pure Food and Wine’s pine nut ricotta. So much vegan ricotta. So little time. JK. There’s always time for vegan ricotta. Luckily, amongst the 6000 pounds of groceries I bought at Whole Foods that day (I am […]

Edamame and Black Lentil Veggie Burger

You should never sit idly by waiting for frozen edamame to thaw. It’d be silly to waste your time like that. Here’s a better idea: find a grocery store about 4 miles away and walk there. Your edamame will be good and moist by the time you get home. You will also have a wound […]



Brooklyn Porridge Co.

comfort food redefined

Rantings of an Amateur Chef

Food...cooking...eating....tools - What works, and what doesn't!


Where the belly rules the mind!

Cupcake Artist

One bite is never good enough

Vegan Shop-Up

an all vegan pop-up market

Whisk Flip Stir

healthy vegan and vegetarian recipes

Sun In Bloom

Gluten-Free, Vegan & Raw Food Kitchen in Brooklyn & Tribeca

Robert's Kitchen

Vegetarian's Delight

DAG's Food Blog

My cooking adventures

I Dream of Protein

Hearty, Healthy Recipes from a Fitness Fanatic